Added value to your company with our strong reporting and analysis services. Determine your road maps for the future by making detailed analysis of your purchasing activities and real time spends. Complete details at transactions, items, price agreements, suppliers, categories and purchasing.
Planning the future stars with correctly analyzing the past and the present. One of the biggest challenges facing businesses today is compiling and assessing the procurement data from various resources. Uncategorized and improperly saved purchasing data needs to be manually adjusted for reporting purposes.
Maintain all your procurement processes to online environment with our e-Procurement Software. Manage your purchase requisitions, RFQ's, PO's, approvals and delivery stages on a system integrated with your in-house ERP processes and systems.
E-Procurement software is a set of solutions that help to automate the purchasing work of companies. You can utilize it to raise and approve purchase orders, pick and order the product or service, receive and match the invoice and order, and pay the bill online.
Starts a professional and sustainable Supplier Relationship Management. Collaborate and share with suppliers on a single platform and maintain the Price agreements with Suppliers. Enables suppliers to interact with the purchasing through our procurement system and maintaining the performance of the purchase order fulfilment.
Start a professional and sustainable Supplier Relationship Management. Collaborate and share with suppliers on a single platform and maintain the Price agreements with Suppliers.
A Procurement System that provides ease to your streamlined procurement management processes by saving cost and saving your employees valuable time.
By combining our technology infrastructure with our experiences, we maintain relationships based on trust and sustainability with our clients. Our business model is completely Saas based.
Move your purchasing activities to the cloud.
We provide e-procurement software as a service.
We offer custom solutions that meet your needs.
We can integrate our system with your ERP solutions.
We support multiple languages and currencies.
"Customer Satisfaction" is our top priority.